The Hoyland & District
H & D.Q.L. Quiz League 2024-2025 |
This site was last updated on: Friday, 07 March 2025 |
Week 16 Fixture list updated.
Administration / Rules |
Member teams must represent pubs or clubs within the Hoyland Pub Watch area, or other teams which have been specially invited to participate. Such teams must be agreed by a majority at the AGM of the Quiz League, preceding the season in question.
2. All matches will be played on Thursday nights during the season, which will run from October. All matches will commence at 8.00pm, although a late start is acceptable, provided that it is no more than 15 minutes. There will also be 3 other competitions per season: an opening and closing extended general knowledge quiz for invited and all participating league teams at the beginning and end of each season; and a League Knockout Shield
3. Quiz League meetings will take place every other month, commencing in September (the AGM) at a pub or club within the Hoyland and District Quiz League.
4. Teams will consist of a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 2 players per game. No player can play for two or more teams in a season, unless a team withdraws from the league before the end of the season, in which case their players may swap to (an)other team(s). There is no limit to the number of players a team may use in a season. Any supporters accompanying a team must sit separately to team members whilst the match is in progress.
5. Format
There will be 52 questions per match divided into 3 rounds. The Captains of each team will toss a coin to decide which team is to go first. The order of play will stay the same throughout the whole match.
Round 1: Twenty one General knowledge questions asked alternately to each team, seven to Team A, seven to Team B & seven to Team C. Questions are to be chosen at random by the Captains of the teams. Three points will be awarded for each correct answer, two bonus point for each correct answer that has been handed over to the next team and one if the third team correctly answers. Each team has one minute to answer. If handed over, the second team has thirty seconds to answer & if passed to third team, an instant answer. There will be no questions set offering alternative answers.
Round 2: Will consist of ten General Knowledge questions, all to be answered by all teams. Questions will be printed, and a copy handed to each team. Teams will have a maximum of ten minutes to write down their answers to the questions, at the end of which they will swap papers with the other teams for marking. Two points will be awarded for each correct answer, making a total of twenty points available to each team.
Round 3: As Round 1
All questions in rounds 1 and 3 are to be numbered 1 - 21, and 1 - 10 in round 2.
6. Ideally, the team providing the questions will also provide a questioner. Disputes over answers must be raised & resolved on the night of the quiz match, and verified via an internet search of reliable sources. Mobile phones must NOT be used until the end of the match.
7. All answers must be given to the questioner by the team Captain, or an individual clearly appointed by the Captain. Only the first answer given can be accepted although at his/her discretion the questioner may demand an explanation of the answer before awarding points. Specific answers will be highlighted in some way by the question setter.
8. The final scores must be reported to the Secretary after the match. This can be by telephone, text or email. Contact details will be circulated to all teams before the season starts. It is the responsibility of the home team Captain to report the score.
9. All fees and prize money will be discussed and determined at the AGM, preceding each quiz season.
10. Any proposed changes to the rules will be considered at the pre-season AGM. All such proposed rule changes must be submitted in writing by a team member to the secretary at least 14 days in advance of the AGM, seconded by a member of a different team. The secretary will circulate a list of proposed changes to all teams before the AGM for their consideration.
11. The final league positions will be determined in the following order of criteria:
The team with most points The team who answered most questions correctly The team with the best points difference
In the event that two teams are still tied, a play-off match will be organised.
12. Any other business must be raised at quiz league meetings throughout the season |